Friday, April 15, 2016

Arunachal Pradesh Police Recruitment 2016||Constable|Sub Inspector

Ravindr Reddy sir at hyderabad, with a visionto provide the best quality coaching and guidance to Police Competitive exam aspirants of Andhra Pradesh. Papers I and II are only qualifying in nature. Candidates should apply only after they go through the full insights of AP Police ASI SI Recruitment 2016.

Sl. No. Item Qualifying Time / Distance
General Ex. Servicemen
01 100 metres run 15 seconds 16.5 seconds
02 Long jump 3.80 mtrs 3.65 mtrs.
03 Shot put (7.26 Kgs) 5.60 mtrs. 5.60 mtrs.
04 High jump 1.20 metres 1.05 metres
05 800 metres run 170 seconds 200 seconds
. Papers Subjects MarksSCT SI (men &women)SCT reserved SI& SI SPF Paper IArithmetic and test of reasoning/ Mental ability200100Paper IIGeneral studies200100Paper IIIEnglish (descriptive type)100100Paper IVTelugu/Urdu (descriptive type)100100Telangana Police Syllabus pdf.

These TS Police government vacancies are more in number so candidates aspiring for these tg telangana police govt jobs will have to prepare well in order to obtain a good secure in exam. Click here for more information.. This organisation was formed in 2014, June 2nd and start recruiting men and women in Telangana police jobs. Telangana Police SI Recruitment 2016 Application Procedure.

Selection process: Applicant will be selected on the basis of performance in preliminary test, physical efficiency test, physical measurement test, and interview/ GD..

Job seekers who're going to apply for these particular opportunities are necessitated to pay out the Rs.15/-. Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Reserve Sub Inspectors of Police.

AP Police recruitment 2016 AP Police SI Constable Notification 2016 Release Date. Department 18-30 years. Paper I: English (Degree Standard)


specialized candidate might write application form just before final dates of West Bengal Police recruitment..

Andhra Pradesh AP Police Constable Recruitment Notification 2015-16. PAPER-2 : [General Studies].

General Science – contemporary developments in science and technology and their implications including matters of everyday observation and experience, contemporary issues relating to protection of environment as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline..

The candidates writing TS Police Paper-2 will be tested in Telugu proficiency. For more details, visit the official site.


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